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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Feature In YoVille: Hide & Seek

This is an official YoVille Blog Post by Zynga's Emerald Ninja.

We’re excited to bring you something new and exciting in YoVille! We’ve put together a brand new feature for you that has never been seen before in Yo! The time has come to unveil to you what we’ve all been working hard on! We know many of you have been looking forward to our new Hide & Seek feature on YoVille! So, log in now to be part of this fantastic new game! Show off your hiding skills or prove your worth by being a super quick seeker! There’s something for everyone! So let’s BEGIN!

In order to begin playing this game you will need to click on the Hide & Seek icon at the bottom of your game screens.

On clicking on the icon you will receive the following pop-up - “Let’s Play”. Remember the event ends on the 22nd of September so hurry and get started if you want to earn this exclusive new reward item!


There are 2 parts to this game, the first being Hide and the second being Seek. :)

To begin we’ll start with Part 1 - Hide:

By clicking on the icon you will automatically receive the “hide-able Excalibur” in your inventories. On beginning the game, you will notice that the “hide-able Excalibur can be hidden under / behind most items in your room. However it will not be hide-able behind Wall Items so keep that in mind when you begin hiding it from friends.

Remember this item is not yours until you complete the mission successfully!

The object of “hide” is to ensure that you hide Excalibur in your rooms without allowing friends to find the item easily (you can begin hiding the object in the “edit room” mode)! So use your creative minds and get cracking! Once you have hidden the object, click on Save. Here’s an example of how you can hide objects:


Once you click Save, you should receive the following Dialogue:


You can challenge your friends to begin seeking the item in your Homes by posting a feed to your wall:


If you successfully Hide an item from friends (that is if they fail at seeking it) you get 1 hide point added to your “hide” progress.


Now on to part two: Seek!

To begin Seeking items from friend’s Homes click on a friend’s wall feed or check your progress window. Your progress Window will give you a list of friends that have hidden the items successfully and are ready for you to begin seeking. By clicking on a feed or on a friend’s name from the Progress Window you will automatically be taken to your friend’s home.

Progress Window:


Once you land in your friend’s home, you can begin seeking. Seek mode will allow you to move around ANY items in your friend’s Homes to find the hidden object (don’t worry guys, your friends homes will be returned to normal once you are done with the game and none of their decorating efforts will go in vain). To begin seeking you will need to click the “Start” button once you’re ready. The timer will allow you 15 seconds to find the hidden object!


Once you find the hidden object successfully you will receive the following “Congratulations” dialogue. You will also receive 1 seek point in your Progress Window:



If you are unable to complete finding the object successfully within the given time you will receive the following “Out of Time” Dialogue. The dialogue will show you the number of turns you have left. However if you happen to have zero turns left, you have the option to ask friends for turns by clicking on the “ask friends” button.


On clicking the “ask friends” button you will receive the following pop-up:


In order to bag the Excalibur in your inventories you will need to successfully complete 5 hides and 10 seeks. If your final point comes from “hide” you will need to refresh the game in order to see your reward in your inventory. However if you final point comes from seek you will be able to see the item immediately. You will receive the following “Congratulations” dialogue on completion:


You can only earn your reward item once! However, you can continue to play this fun new games with other friends on YoVille and have a blast until the 22nd of September! As always thanks for reading and have a great Yo-Day!

We hope you enjoy this exciting new feature! Don’t waste any more time LOG IN NOW and begin playing HIDE & SEEK!


Emerald Ninja and the YoVille Community Team.

YoVille Blog