Or If you want to be on the other side of the Law, there are some great looking police items out, Police Hats, Police Badges, batons, You are going to need these! The whole Police Uniform is instore! Wanna do a runner as a convict?? Thee are even clothes for you,Convict clothes, ball & Chains, Handcuffs, & even a Mafia II Handheld Convict Number for that perfect Mugshot!! So Depending on what side of the Law you want to be on, Check out the fashion Store now At YoVille & lets get this joint rolling! These Deals are on a 2 Day Timer So Hurry!! Kapisch!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Police Vs Mafia ll Fashion Is Now Here!
Or If you want to be on the other side of the Law, there are some great looking police items out, Police Hats, Police Badges, batons, You are going to need these! The whole Police Uniform is instore! Wanna do a runner as a convict?? Thee are even clothes for you,Convict clothes, ball & Chains, Handcuffs, & even a Mafia II Handheld Convict Number for that perfect Mugshot!! So Depending on what side of the Law you want to be on, Check out the fashion Store now At YoVille & lets get this joint rolling! These Deals are on a 2 Day Timer So Hurry!! Kapisch!!!