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Friday, September 30, 2011

[ In Pictures] Looking Back At YoVille's Halloween Costumes!

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs772.snc4/67242_10150284650360408_21526880407_14892426_7174529_n.jpgSuperheroes, magical creatures, animals and even food! These were all costumes that were added to YoVille in the past three years. Many players look forward for this part of the Halloween event and spend a fortune on costumes and we can't blame them!

As we wait for this years costumes, let's look back at what was special about YoVille's previous Halloween releases!

Halloween Costumes 2008: One Piece Costumes, No YoCash!

This Halloween release can be described in one phrase. No YoCash. The 1 piece costumes that went out in 2008 had prices ranging between 900 coins and 6,000 coins. This was a random release with costumes featuring different professions and some magical creatures. It was a very popular release.


Halloween Costumes 2009: Princesses, 2008 Costume Remake & Re-release!

In 2009, players had costumes in 2 pieces and some accessories. This release included a remake of some of the 2008 costumes like the with, bee, clown... Some of the original 2008 costumes were also re-released.

Halloween Costumes 2010: Player Designed Costumes, More Accessories & Food

More accessories were released with costumes of Halloween 2010. We had many body costumes, head wear, makeup, handhelds to choose from. This gave players the chance to create unique costumes. Super heroes, princesses and costumes inspired from popular movies were added. YoVille players got to design and then vote for user created costumes ( Rivka and Megan). We also had hilarious eggs and bacon costumes.


Do you like the past Halloween costumes? Which ones did you get. Let us know in comments.