YoVille's first fan site is turning three! Three years ago, a crazy dedicated team of YoVille players decided to start a fan page to help all YoVille players. Long before the official YoVille forums were here, YoVille Lounge was a proud contributor in creating the active YoVille community we have today.
Word spread about YoVille Lounge and it grew rapidly to become the ultimate YoVille player companion. YVL, YVLounge, YoVille Lounge and the Lounge are all names you used for the page that witnessed the old YoVille days and is still inspiring a numerous amount of new fan sites and pages.
And because we appreciate your support, we want to celebrate our 3rd anniversary with YOU! We'll be hosting several events from now till the 9th of September. We will also be hosting the 3rd Annual YoVille Coolest Apartment Award. That's the first room design contest that was held in YoVille in 2008.
Head over to our Facebook page and be the first to find out about our special events and giveaways.