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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

YoVille Tic Tac Toe Disabled.

Zynga announced today that YoVille tic tac toe has been disabled. For the time being, you will not be able to challenge your friends in a tic tact toe game. This is due to technical issues where developers are trying to fix the freezing problems.

How do you feel about this update? Tell us in comments!

Here is the official statement:
Dear YoVillians,

Our team has been working on priority to fix the freezing issue in game.

We have currently disabled tic-tac-toe in game until we have permanently fixed all freezing issues

We request you to bear with us at this time as we need your support as much as anything else in resolving this issue at the earliest. Your patience is sincerely appreciated.

Thank You,
Emerald Ninja & the YoVille team.